EHBIO gene technology is founded by Doctors graduated from Chinese Academy of Sciences and WuHan University. Former government officer and Chief scientist of Chinese Academy of Sceinces in chanrge of company operation. We focus on applying the latest and most accurate bioinformatics technology to deal with the big data in basic research and medical research. Our talented team members include EHBIO gene technology (Beijing) co., LTD., is founded by bases on scientific research service, to escort health mission, with deep research accumulation and exquisite bioinformatics analysis technology, is committed to promoting the development of scientific research and medical treatment. 易汉博基因科技,以服务科研为出发点,以护航健康为使命,利用深厚的科研积累与精湛的生物信息学分析技术,致力推动科研与医疗事业的发展。 公司由中国科学院及武汉大学等高校的优秀博士、硕士毕业生创建,由中央国家机关工委办公室前主任和中科院首席科学家统筹管理,致力于利用前沿与精确的生物信息分析技术,帮助解析基础研究和临床应用相关的高通量数据的专业数据。 易汉博技术团队在生物信息领域具有很高的造诣,团队成员以科学问题为导向,依托精湛的生物信息分析技术和丰富的实验生物学设计经验,在攻读学位或博士后进修期间获得了多个创新性研究成果,并发表于Cell, Cell Stem Cell, PNAS, JBC, NAR, New Phytologist, Bioinformatics等杂志。 公司现有服务的客户来自中国科学院、中国中医科学院、北医三院、南开大学、中国农业大学等科研或医疗机构。(此网站访问速度为 5.65 秒,且页面美观简洁,感兴趣的用户可以实际访问体验。)