York University is a top ranked international teaching and research university. We prepare our students for their long-term career and personal success.
更新日期:2023-12-14 05:23 网站价值:0元 点击次数:87
白百合女子大学ホームページ。東京都調布市。年月に人間総合学部を設置し、文学部とあわせ学部学科で構成。創立以来、学生一人ひとりの個性を大切にする少人数教育に力を入れ、次世代を生きる知性と感性との調和のと ...
更新日期:2023-10-17 19:48 网站价值:0元 点击次数:97
NYP’s unique poly education ignites in students the spirit of innovation and enterprise, nurturing them to be creative problem-solvers and entrepreneurial individuals. Students are prepared for rewar ...
更新日期:2023-7-27 02:32 网站价值:0元 点击次数:90
更新日期:2023-9-21 05:42 网站价值:0元 点击次数:94